Monday, September 21, 2009

Durex Condoms: Viral Marketing Gone Wild

Brilliant illustration of edgy viral brand marketing. This Viral marketing video was conceived by Robert Rugan, creative director at Superfad. Durex PR firm Fitzgerald+CO conceived the viral, which was then produced by Rugan of Superfad New York.

"When you get the chance to create 'karma-balloon-animal-sutra', everyone involved gets really stoked about pushing the boundaries as much as possible."

-Robert Rugan, creative director at Superfad

A very clever viral production, perhaps one of the most risque viral productions I have seen illustrating what the product is used for but also incorporates the product itself into the advert. Genius! Too risque for mainstream Americanism and its moderate media palette It is a bold approach to play out the "act" with balloon animals made out of condoms simulating the "act" where condoms are required. The media campaign was a huge success in the UK and inspired a couple leading female contraceptive suppliers to follow suite with its own flavor of viral madness.

Durex is the number one ranked global supplier of condoms, a testimonial that if you shout a littler louder, you will stand out in a crowed space.

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